As many of you might already know, I got a job. I had my second day of work today. Really enjoy the stress-free environment. Its like going to a state university all over again besides actually getting paid to do this. On site parking and cafeteria... 24/7 emloyees accessed gym and shower on the top floor of the building with alternative yoga pilates and fitness classes. everything is very systematic. people are super nice. I set my own schedule so i can even work 5pm-12am if i wanted to. 0 complains.
But as many of you might not know, I also just moved into a new apt recently. I moved out from my college town straight to the city. I found this place when I was still jobless. Its only a room on the top floor of a very old house but I can have the choice of parking my car right outside or taking the subway which is only a 3 min walk away. (which is rarely found near boston). I finally (kinda) unpacked everything hence I thought itd be a good time to show you some of it.
Tada! picture time - dont expect anything fancy because I am just a poor newly grad :)
A corner of where all my stuff is.
Loving the sunroof provides extra lighting.
below is my very limited shoe collection.
My not-matching-blanket-and-bedsheet-but-its-ok-caz-im-only-staying-here-temporarily bed with vaulted ceilings and a third tiny window.
Back to pic no.1 corner.
My about the same size makeup and skincare collections
Paintings done over the years that havent to be put up just yet
And any suggestions for decorating my place, my artsy people?
Bed time for me already. hehee work hard play hard sleep Very hard (my wish).