When I first saw this Groupon sale for Radio F Lifting + Hand Massage Facial from Spa PH+. Part of the reason choosing that was because I was intrigued when I saw RF lifting as I know nothing about it. The other part was because they have a store thats really close to my house. I have been buying a lot of Groupon Facial pakages to find one that I actually like enough to settle lol. Howver I still haven't find mine yet.
It seems like Spa / Facial places reviews in Hong Kong really are not that many. There are deals going on everywhere, but you know, what they do are pretty much similar. The salons always claim to have special deals to attract you to try for the first time, then will semi-"force" you to sign up for other packages with their "special deals".
In terms of decoration of Spa ph+, it is quite nice. It seems to be more high-end, probably to attract the majority of the market - nannies. Who has time to go do spa on a regular basis anyway? They also mainly focus on using HABA, 32°C and aujourd'hui products alongside with their technology.
今次經香港團購買左這個 HK$528 (大概US$68) 6次電波拉皮加人手按摩美容護膚療程。
其實對拉皮沒有任何經驗或知識,只是最近搬回香港嘛,年紀也有那麼上下,所以在努力找一家好的美容院來定期給自己一些 “Me Time” 來舒緩平常在大都會奔跑工作的壓力。
也覺得香港品論美容院或SPA的評論不夠多,優惠到處都是,但是你也知道,他們做的Facial或者Spa的種類和選擇是大同小異的,通常的手法都是以優惠的價格 “氹” 你先落搭,然後在你在做的時候再跟你說有什麼 “優惠” 讓你即時加錢再購買。
其實Spa ph+ 的環境地方還不賴,裝潢是走高貴呢種路線。

However I was persuaded to do this $180 facial on top of my RF Lifting and Hand Massage Facial. Usually I do not easily commit to something like this, but my Groupon deal breaks down to less than $100/time, and I was like why the hack not, the total doesn't exceed $300 anyway.
這次我就被遊說加了 HK$180 的優惠價來做了個DIY Facial,本來是不會加的啦,但是就覺得人手按摩6次除開只是大概 HK$100都不用,加起來也不過HK$300是OK的啦。

Thats the facial I added on top. It's called D.I.Y. Herbal Essence Treatment (stupid name, why DIY?) and it's actually not bad. With herbal essence, it was a full 2.5 hour process of cleansing, deep cleansing mask, steam, eyebrow trim, moisturize, RF Lifting, essence serum massage, neck and shoulder message, another moisturizing mask.
先講一下做了的DIY面膜,可能是第一次做的關係,感覺是頗做足的,清潔,深層清潔面膜,蒸氣,修眉,保濕,RF 機器拉面,精華面部按摩,肩頸按摩,保濕敷面 - 整個過程大概2個半小時。

The above description regarding RF Lifting is for body, I couldn't find the one for face from their website. However concept wise they are the same.
(Radio Frequencies) RF Lifting is a immediate non-surgical effect to stimulate collagen fivers of the skin and stimulate compensating mechanisms including the proliferation of fibroblasts and accelerated production of neocollagen by moderating dermal edema and controlling thermo-reduction.
Sounds complicated enough? All I felt was a medal stick rolling around my face and jaw line for lifting its definition. After the process, I only felt the mild heat within my skin (really really mild) and it was immediately cooled off by the massage.
Today is the second day, I can barely see the result. It might come when I finish all 6 times fml.
RF Lifting 原來是一個不動刀的拉皮功能,使用活躍無線電頻率,刺激皮下的浮腫和控制熱還原來增加皮膚的纖維細胞增殖,增加局部血液供應(血管擴張和充血)和加速neocollagen生產來有效提升輪廓。
做完以後就一如既往被安排去等候區,也是我最憎的。首當其衝就是有一個技師跟你說一下做了什麼,對服務滿不滿意,搭入正題,就是問會不會加course。其實Spa ph+的backend做facial的人都好好,技巧和手勢都不俗,整個過程都相當滿意。
至於在前頭安排皮膚測試的就有點hard sell,不但在開頭一直說我的皮膚低層厚,也在最後不停sell package。(說真的你的皮膚比我好嘛?)雖然我明白他們的人工也是靠佣金為生的,但那死纏爛打的手段都有夠令人反感。加上你想我怎樣,我已經給了團購的費用,做不做其他的都是optional不是嘛?我相信除了我以外,你們都很討厭這種生意手段。(生氣)
整體來講我會給Spa PH+的分數:
Overall I'd give my 1st Spa PH+ experience:
Technique: 95/100
Sales: 45/100
質素是相當不錯啦,有興趣的話可以參考它的website (HERE)
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